best compression for quicktime output?



anyone suggest the audio/video settings for quicktime output? My 1:10 quicktime trailer is 38 megs! I'm outputting using:

Sorensen Video 3
15 fps
Qualcomm PureVoice at 32000 Hz 16 bit.

Would love suggestions. I saw this trailer:
which is roughly the same length and it's only 10 megs!!

It's not just the codec, it's the bit-rate. Reduce the bit-rate and you'll reduce the size of the file, but lose some picture quality in the process.
Have you thought about using mpeg4 as your codec? You'll get a super small file size with great image quality. Downside is, it doesn't play in web browsers (that I know of...that could have changed recently).
Just play with the settings until you find what you want. There is no "best" compression. Only you know what you find acceptable.

Learning may take some work, but it just makes you better at what you want to do. Do some web searches on codecs and learn what they are good for. Don't try to take shortcuts.
dudes, MarkG gets major hit points about that bit-rate dramatically changed my results with little "visible" change in rez... The rest of you gave great advice too that I'll be looking into, so thank you all for feedback! great site..i should list it in the credits for my film!

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