Negative People

Negative People

1. Everyone learns from trying and failing.
2. We want to encourage people.
3. You don't know how dedicated he or anyone is.

What big project are you working on toodles?

Hmmm its been a while.............. Well anyway, I would like to thank anyone who supported us trying to make this movie. I'm not sure why some people think I wasn't dedicated to the movie, and think this is just a phase, but one of the things I want to do when I get older is be a filmaker. I didn't know I wanted to be a filmaker until late in my freshmen year, so I didn't really know what I was getting into, all I knew is that I wanted to do it. I had a lot of help though, from people who had experience, so it wasn't like I was trying to do everything by myself. I realized that it couldn't have been done in the time we had, I'm a junior in high school, and there's no way we could have done the whole trilogy. People were a little disappointed in my school about it, but they've gotten over it now. I don't know what some people expected, but obviously it wasn't going to be as great as peter jackson's version, but it also wasn't going to be bad. It would have stayed true to the books..... Anyway, I haven't completely abandoned the project yet......... maybe i'll try to do something with it in college or something......You never know......
Hey Followyourheart, at least you tried. That's what counts.

If you learned something from your experience, all the better. And who says you can't try again when you have more time/equipment/money/resources/experience? When there are naysayers like Toodles, use them as motivation. There are people like that all over the place, and it can either knock you down or keep you moving.

I had learned from experience that I just couldn't take on something of the magnitude you were, so for my first project since college, I started small and simple. Two guys, sitting on a couch, talking. Easy right? Nope...I made lots of mistakes, which has allowed me to learn a great deal.

Basically, you have to learn from your mistakes and past experiences, and grow from them.

good luck!

It's good to be back. I have some more information, but I'll wait a couple of weeks before I let it out. We are currently working on two films, they are both comedies..........
As a fim instructor, there is one thing I know for sure. You learn from everything you do in the film world. Sometimes, in fact, you learn quite a bit more from mistakes or failure than you do from success. There are no wasted experiences. Persistance is the key. Knowing which battles to fight and which to leave behind is also helpful.

-Brad Hoover
Educational Director,
Blue Ridge Motion Pictures

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