


Hey Guys,
Here's the question, should I list a script which is based on an ancient myth with no known author as and adaption and if so, what should I say it is adapted from?
Kind of unsure of the question here. If you're asking that if the author of the myth is unknown, and it HAS been written, then just write that it was inspired/adapted from that work. Or if you're just referring to the myth itself (with no author or written work involved) then you don't have to list an author, obviously. If it's ancient history then I don't think you can get into any trouble for using the work for your story.

It's like the Battle of Thermapolae (sp?) and Frank Miller's 300. It's based loosely on that part of history.

Not sure if that even helped or if you can even understand that. Hope it did though.
I'm trying to retell the story of Midas and the Golden Touch. It has had recent adaptions most notably by Nathaniel Hawthorne but since he did not create the ancient myth obviously, I felt that i should cite something else.
Oh well in that case, it's fair game. Know how many people have adapted Beowulf? Same thing. I'm sure no rights need to be acquired. So write away!


It really depends how closely your story follows the orginal work. O Brother, Where Art Thou? is an adaptation of The Odyssey, but I wouldn't say The Matrix is an adaptation of the story of Christ. The utilization of a "chosen one" who dies and is resurrected has been used too often to be an adaptation.

Bottom line, if you name a character Midas and he is able to turn things into gold by touching them: it is an adaptation. If your randomly named character just has a "magic" touch: not an adaptation.

Another example, just to make sure. If this is your dialogue...

Midas: "I can turn objects into gold just by touching them!" = adaptation.

Melvin: "No seriously, I can increase your bust size just by fondling you!" = not an adaptation... and probably not a good movie.

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