A Screenwriting Collective


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The Screenwriting Collective is a place where experienced and aspiring writers come together to pool resources and produce great work.

We develop our own scripts for short or full length features and enter them into competitions. If we win we split the loot, like pirates.

We are here because we have either written a screenplay or want to write one in the future. We want to do it for a hobby or because we want to make that our life´s work. We all have varying degrees of experience. Some of us are film students while some just afficionadoes. But we ALL need a little help once in a while.

I suggest a Collective where we all pitch ideas, vote on the best and then develop it, together. We split the duties, create schedules, format, research, administration, logistics. etc. We give ourselves a cool name (The Screenplay Collective), we check each others grammar mistakes.

"It takes a village to write a screenplay" goes the old saying. No script is written on its own. If the last statement is true than a Collective of daredevil writers who go past the edge (or not), help each other out and whip out some really badass scripts isn´t a bad idea, at all. I am sure there are forums and workshops out there already. It just might be fun to get one started from scratch. Right here in this forum.

A note of caution, however. The Collective is based on Trust, Respect and Responsibility. If you don´t do deadlines, reply to emails on a timely basis, are generally pessemistic, have no sense of humor and cannot, absolutely can´t stand to be told that your idea sucks, STAY AWAY.

Interested parties respond here on the Forum.

¿Qué guay eres? How cool are you? Writing all the way from Mexico? This is what I call a great start.

can´t attach documents

can´t attach documents

Hi Rarobles,
I don´t know how to attach a document here. I can send you the synopsis to your email, if you want. You will have to send me your email address though. I was going to send you both the english version and the spanish version. The spanish version I was going to send you was for laughs. My wife read my first attempt at writing in Spanish and laughed.
Send me your addy.
Hasta Luego,


I emailed you both the copies just now. Let me know what you think. I tried to paste the english version here but it did nt work. I could´nt paste it.
Let me give you the background. It is a short film, 35 scenes, less than 50 mins of screen time. I know its long for a short but that is how it is working out right now. Once I write the script it will be cut short. If it is ever developed I am sure it will be cut even more.
I was pitching another idea to the president of the Ministry of Culture at a party, in Jerez, Spain, the other day and she asked me if I had a short, because shorts are selling more than features. I told her the story, which I am sending to you, and she loved it. She asked me to write a good synopsis so she can send it around. She did note that the synopsis had to be really good and properly formatted. The Readers read thousands of treatments and synopsis each year and the ones that are not properly formatted they throw away.
I knew someone who was going to translate the work from english into spanish but for personal reasons could not. This woman is not guaranteeing me anything until she reads the synopsis and passes it on to some people she knows. If she likes it then great. May be I have luck.
The story of MRS JUANA is based on true events. I met a middle aged woman in an island resort of Ibiza, Spain, in 99´, who had left her family and was living on a yatch. She told me her story.
I hope you read it.

absolutely committed, send me the info on this!
I'd like to get involved. Sounds fun :)

If someone could send me more info on what to do and such, it'd be great.
That's very interesting, I'm constantly writing on something and definetely would like to join you.

Hope to hear from you!
Hey I'm new at this but I'm very interested and would be willing to put as much time and effort in as needed. Please count me in, and if you could contact me with details or post them here, that would be great. Thanks!
Prepare a LEGAL Contract

Prepare a LEGAL Contract

You say you'll all "split the loot" if a screenplay is sold?

You'd best establish all the rules in writing. In a legally binding contract.

How do you determine which scripts are included? How much work must each writer contribute to each script? How do you determine whether a writing is pulling his/her weight? If a writer leaves the group, what rights does he/she retain to material already written?

Important questions.

I once worked as a reader, for a producer. I came across a great script. I suggested we option it. The producer agreed -- and he had investment money to produce the script.

Trouble was, the screenplay was co-written by two writers. When they heard about the interest, they began to argue about how much writing each had done. One insisted on a 50/50 split. The other insisted that she'd done more than 50% of the work. Each refused to sign an option agreement that didn't give her the % that she felt entitled to.

The script was good, but not worth the legal hassle. So the producer decided to pass, unless the writers could "work it out," which they couldn't.

That was in 1991. Every few years I Google these two women, or search for them in the IMDB or in other talent databases. Their names never come up. They had real talent, but apparently, neither ever "made it" as a professional writer. They had their chance to get a film bought and produced, and they blew it.

Opportunities like that don't come every day. Sometimes once in a lifetime, if at all.

If you do start this Screenwriter's Collective, you have many legal issues to iron out, because if someone does want to buy one of your scripts ... well, human nature being what it is, people will begin to argue over who really is entitled to what.


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Well I just want to say I'm not in this for the money. Money is nice, but if we didn't get any at all from doing this, I would be fine with it. The whole thing about this is EXPERIENCE for people like me. I need it. It's a thousand times more precious than money. So if there is money, great, but I won't be fighting over it. Now let's get this thing on the road!

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