A newbie's strange script - ask for constructive criticism


New member
All that I have is a story of which I am not even sure in which form I want to bring int under the people. It may become a novel, a drama, or an amateur movie. Because it was flicked of some different single inspirations from different crazy moments :lol: , it is pretty strange. Please have some patience to read my text and to give me constructive feedback what to change if I want my plot to become proper (or even alternative plot lines).

In June 2106, humanity finally has a unified world in one state. The Head of this state delivers a talk, standing on the stairs of the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple. (According to newest research, it did NOT stand exactly on the same place as the DOme of the Rocks). The politician claims to be nobody but the Messiah (and God).

Most people rejoice, but not a preacher from Western Europe. He knows from the Bible that the first to come for reigning the Antichrist and sees what is really happening. Therefore, he hurries to phone as much members of his church community as possible to give instructions. Then he hurries back to his country.

At this reverend's town, the real Gospel of the Bible is told. Nobody but Jesus can give you salvation, you have to confess your sins to Him and to trust in His mercy. Some hours later, a tsunami comes: the alleged evidence of the statement "this politician is God, do not fight against him".

The watcher or reader is shown Cetropolis, the megalomane new world capital.

A Christian school next to Salzburg (Austria) is liquidated: the former students have to go and a new institution is created, an elite school for non-Christians. Three years later, in December 2109, student Sophie (eighteen) finds herself in depression and complete despair (it leaves to describe why). She wants her friend Michael (19) to deliver her euthanasy (On request, I explain how exactly it works at that epoque- I just do not want the text to become too long)

Michael is shocked. Instead of doing that, he just lets Sophie fall into narcose and then stops the machine. Then he flies her in his helicopter to a remote (but not southern!) island where Christans like himself go to exile. He hopes that Sophie could find inner peace there, being released from the former problems and in contact with Christian spiriatuality and the Gospel. A doctor is flying as well, because the narcose must be maintained to hinder suicide attempts.

The one who reads or watches or whatever sees how Michael arrives at the island and how he comes back. But: There is somebody who is hostile to Michael, leaves to invent why. He knows about Sophie's suicide attempts and doe sknmow Miachel enough to be able to figure out his possible reaction. Therefore, the man has observed the euthanasia stopping action and has taken photos, having evil purposes. One evening back in Salzburg, Michael is arrested and put to court.

Michael is honest, but does not tell anything about where Sophie could be, even not considering the possibility of being tortured - never mind under such a government. Questioned if he considers himself guilty, he denounces the dictator. Therefore, he is sentenced to death for blasphemy.

Some day, he gets the right to speak his last words. But when they try to execute him, an explosion destructs this part of the prison. He comes out in the frost, alive but injured and bleeding.

Outside, there is a lot of people, the press among them. Such
a case is rare. Someone from the crowd calls an emergency ambulance for the bleeding man, not caring who he is. Too much chaos ...

At the ambulance, you can see Michael's thoughts. He wants to escape the hospital right away this night and fly back to the island. God has given him life by a miracle, it is not just to give it away when the police just come to get you at the hospital to transport you for your second execution.

After the emergency operation, Michael lies at the hospital bed. He does pretty well for his state and allows a reporter which already has seen what is up. The story ends with an interview where Michaels indicates the New Testament as the source of his "noble" way of thinking and behaviour.
Sounds like a really cool story! it also sounds like a very expensive movie to make. maybe keep your mind open to books, after all, they are much cheaper to make than movies. but keep it alive, the idea is awesome!
I like your idea of showing the end times. Lord knows it have to be better thatn "Left Behind" , but I got another way to go about this.

America has a newly elected President that declares he's going to put a stop to the violence in the Middle East. So what does he do , but bomb the crap out of Iraq and Israel , destroying the newly rebuilt temple. This is peace he proclaims , but a few people that are not fooled by him proclaim this is a false peace. Saying we're doing as Rome did centuries ago , "making a desert and calling it peace" it climaxes to the battle of Armegedon (I know I misspelled it.) at the end.

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