A n00b question.


New member
I have been out of the business for three years now since our area has dried up with production work. I plan on moving soon cause I have a possible lead for some motion picture work, but the Production Coordinator that I know is pushing me to work for a rental house, which I will if I can get a job there. I could care less if it is part time or full time as long as I can get the experience. I can get work at an airport, and that will pay the bills.

I am currently working on my resume and I am not sure what format to use. Here is my current resume that I have used http://fl.reel-scout.com/up_docs/crew/31150.pdf , but I am not sure if I should use that for the rental house, or for the possible motion picture work? Any help will be appreciated, I have been out for so long and I have recently got this lead.

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