1.4 Show of Brilliant Filmmaking: Call for Entries


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London’s favourite short-form filmmaking awards are back and calling for entries...

1.4 is looking for the very best short form filmmakers IN THE WORLD to be honoured in the 1.4 Showcase and Party on October 10th.

1.4 is the go-to launchpad for brilliant filmmakers and those who want to work with them. Your films will be seen by our international jury of commissioners, curators and creative geniuses. This is a golden opportunity not to be missed.

The Awards are open to emerging or established directors. Your films can be music videos, commercials, branded content or short films; must be less than 15 minutes long & have been made over the last 18 months.

Final entry deadline is August 16th.

Enter here: https://onepointfour.awardsengine.com/

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