“Lighting for Film: Keep It Simple” by Michael Corbett

Maura N.

The Last Black Unicorn

To improve your tennis game, play with better tennis players. I am not sure where I first heard this, but it was one of the most important things I’ve learned about improving “my game” as a director of photography. For me, the better tennis players are directors of photography I have had the opportunity to work with: Oliver Wood; Andrew Laszlo, ASC; Tony Richmond, ASC; Victor Kemper, ASC; Nick Allen-Wolf; Fred Goodich, ASC; Henry Lynk; Scott Mumford; Flip Minott; and many others. By working on set with them, I have been exposed to a vast resource of experience, technical ability and creative genius.

Oliver Wood told me that every day on set he tries something that he has never done before. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Tony Richmond, ASC drove home the notion that good lighting is all about taking light out of the scene. We are not really lighting the set but casting shadows. He taught me how to use hard light.

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