new york chamber virtuosi

  1. J

    Composer with own Orchestra- looks for Collaboration!!

    Hello there! My name is Jessica, and I am a musician/composer looking to work with young Filmmakers in the NY area to build a portfolio of works. This can be mutually beneficial for: - Students - Aspiring Filmmakers - Amateur Filmmakers How it can help ME: I build a portfolio that I can...
  2. J

    Composer with Orchestra- looks to collaborate!

    Hello there! My name is Jessica, and I am a musician/composer looking to work with young Filmmakers in the NY area to build a portfolio of works. This can be mutually beneficial for: - Students - Aspiring Filmmakers - Amateur Filmmakers How it can help ME: I build a portfolio that I can...
  3. J

    Composer with Orchestra- looks to Collaborate!

    Hello there! My name is Jessica, and I am a musician/composer looking to work with young Filmmakers in the NY area to build a portfolio of works. This can be mutually beneficial for: - Students - Aspiring Filmmakers - Amateur Filmmakers How it can help ME: I build a portfolio that I can...
  4. J

    Composer with Orchestra- looking for Collaboration!

    Hello there! My name is Jessica, and I am a composer and Director of an orchetsra in NYC looking to work with young Filmmakers in the NY area to build a portfolio of works. This can be mutually beneficial for: - Students - Aspiring Filmmakers - Amateur Filmmakers How it can help ME: I...