advice needed

  1. T

    Interspecies romance a no no for general audiences? What can I get away with in my script?

    Hi, I’m new to the forums, you can call me Tim. Soooo…I’m working on a science fiction romance script for an animated feature film. The story centers around an unlikely interspecies romance that changes the protagonist’s perspective on life. Now I know this is a tricky subject to handle on...
  2. C

    Closed Thread

  3. Goldenmoral cinemas

    Hi I’m new here! Thought I’d share my latest work for feedback :)

    My name is Asher Pike, I’m very thankful for being accepted into this site. I hope to become friends with people here, to give and gain advice. I am an aspiring film director, novel writer, musical composer and editor. Just 16 as well so I really appreciate all advice and feedback on my work...