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  1. D

    Copyright Question

    Let's say you are making a film and one of your characters is watching a movie (Goodfellas just for the example). Would you need to get permission to reference that film in your film or can you just do it without asking? Is there a certain amount of time you can have Goodfellas running for on...
  2. D


    This may seem like an elementary question but I really don't know. I bought the JVC GYHD110U and everything is great with it. Only thing that I was wondering about was that when I read the brochure online, it said something about having the BRHD50U spooler to put the video on a non-linear...
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    Filming on location on LIRR platforms

    If any of you are from Long Island, NY, I was wondering if you know anything about filming rights on LIRR platfomrs. I have filmed at my local LIRR station platform (Carle Place) and a cop was called but he just came to warn us that we aren't allowed on the tracks. This time, I plan to film in...
  4. D

    I've got blank firing guns but should I call cops?

    I plan to shoot this film I'm writing (a short crime drama) and I pretty much have all the equipment. However, my number one concern is when I'm using the blank firing guns, should I notify the local police beforehand? I don't want neighbors, or anybody else, calling the cops on us and I sure as...