Search results

  1. J

    stop motion paper airplane

    does anyone know any techniques i could use to make a paperairplane fly through the air using stop motion?
  2. J

    theater vs film

    is film set design the same as theater set design? the scenic elements are obviously different but things like moveable walls are common in film (and supposidly they have certain structure) are they also in theater?
  3. J

    tips on raising money for a short

    okay so heres the deal. I'm a highschool student over at the visual and performing arts film program in Culver City. We need to raise 15k-20k for our fall 16mm production. Every year the money is raised by students but this year the legends (seniors) have gone off to college, leaving us...
  4. J


    how do they do the type of vomit that really shoots out of the characters mouth? ex. 28 days later are they contraptions to be made?
  5. J


    any good set design books out there? i looked on amazon but couldnt really find anything
  6. J

    breaking a mirror

    what kind of mirror is used in film that cracks on impact? does anyone know a website or a recipe to make one? example: bob hits the mirror in his bathroom and the mirror cracks, distorting his image.