Recent content by sedohrman13

  1. sedohrman13

    One Location Challenge

    A while back, I was challenged by a potential producer with some real connections who asked, 'Do you have a script or creative idea that unfolds in a single place but is still creatively mind-blowing?' I had a pretty good idea and I was able to get it kind of far in the Hollywood pipeline but it...
  2. sedohrman13

    Let's talk about "Character Development"

    I'm from the Syd Field school on this... you should have a complete biography of your character, they should have a history, they should be real. You should know where they went to elementary school, what they were thinking in their 20's, the whole bit. If you take the time to create that and...
  3. sedohrman13

    Art vs. Commerce: The Filmmaker's Dilemma... Where do you stand?

    On one side, we have ART, where creativity knows no bounds. Filmmakers strive to create something artistically significant, pushing the boundaries of storytelling, even if it doesn't make a dime. On the other side, there is money - dough - mooola, where the bottom line is king. It's all about...
  4. sedohrman13

    The "Returning the Favor" Conundrum

    I have a couple of thoughts on this... First off, the "working for free" things should really only be leveraged on your first or an early film where there just is no other way to make it work. I've always been of the opinion that you should pay at least a little bit, even if it is a token...
  5. sedohrman13

    The "Returning the Favor" Conundrum

    Ever been burned by the 'I'll return the favor' promise in the film industry? I can't tell you how many times I've been lied to my face! As first-time filmmakers, we believe in helping each other, but what happens when that favor isn't returned? I've got some thoughts but am curious if anyone...
  6. sedohrman13

    Music Video Nuts and Bolts

    As an experienced music video producer let me tell you that music videos is an amazing way to make your mark and get your foot into 'big boy' work. The difference between the old days and now is that the budgets have all but vanished. Here's the secret and the opportunity: With micro budgets...
  7. sedohrman13

    Do filmmakers need math?

    I'm not so sure about math, but meth has been very helpful. (I know, not so funny) ...but there is an old saying, "hire your weakness" or in the case of new or young filmmakers, bring on someone who knows math or at least how to plug things into a spreadsheet. As Fred above said, this is...
  8. sedohrman13

    Quick Tips for Lighting Scenes with Affordable Ring Lights

    Lighting is a gamechanger (in my opinion), a thoughtful lighting strategy is key for new or first time or low budget filmmakers. So many new filmmakers and their shooter buddies don't take the time and/or energy to think about lighting. The above tips are great but I would add: don't let money...
  9. sedohrman13

    The 3 Creative Pillars You Need Before You Can Go Into Production

    A lot of honest, well-meaning people agree to help their filmmaking buddies make a movie before the movie is ready to be made. How do you know the movie is ready for nuts-and-bolts production? In my opinion, there are three crucial creative elements you need to nail down: A Good, Solid Script...
  10. sedohrman13

    What are the do's and don'ts when working with a rented house?

    The best tip I ever got on this... LEAVE IT LIKE YOU FOUND IT. Take pictures at the beginning, take pictures at the end.
  11. sedohrman13

    Pre-Production is Everything

    Most student and/or independent movies start with a great idea and eventually just die, usually blaming the fact that there is no money. The problem with most new and first time filmmaker is that they have little practical project management knowledge and quickly become overwhelmed with the...