Recent content by Nantia

  1. Nantia

    exposing for fire and explosions

    well i will answere my own question! i found its best to underexpose by 1 to 2 stops, depending on the distance and size of the explosion. I will later post stills and the f stop, film stock etc of each still, so u can get an idea on what worked and what failed!
  2. Nantia

    Lighting: My Achilles Heel

    to make a kino flo type can also use flouresents which are really cheap and build ur own flicker free balist, ill post u how later on its really easy but u need some knowlage on electrics, so maybe ask some one who knows to help, using gels to correct the green. (or at most home...
  3. Nantia

    hi! i just thought id ask, since this was my motivation for registering, im shooting a day time...

    hi! i just thought id ask, since this was my motivation for registering, im shooting a day time car explosion, and interior and exterior night shoot of a 10 story building on fire, using 16 mm film, any advice on how to expose for that?
  4. Nantia

    Hi just thought id ask, since this was my motivation for registering, im shooting a day time car...

    Hi just thought id ask, since this was my motivation for registering, im shooting a day time car explosion, and interior and exterior night shoot of a 10 story building on fire, using 16 mm film, any advice on how to expose that?
  5. Nantia

    Which film stock should I use?

    try 250D, youll want day light stock, and a slower film stock if theres lots of bright light. however if u want grain and more interesting shadows, go for a faster film, like 500, but ull have to be very careful not to over expose, on the plus side ull get lots of nice grain!
  6. Nantia

    exposing for fire and explosions

    im shooting a film, soon, and i was wondering about exposure, when it comes to fire and explosions .Im shooting a day time car explosion, and interior and exterior night shoot of a 10 story building on fire, using 16 mm film, any advice on how to expose for that?