Looking for collaboration in storyboard

Hey all!

I wrote a science fiction anime screenplay. It's essentially a collection of music videos with a heavy emphasis on dance. The only dialogue comes from the music. It's a futuristic story about a psychic detective chasing down a gang of criminals that includes virtual simulations, astral travel, epic fights and trans-dimensional sex. I've attached the screen play to this thread. If you or anyone you know might be interested in helping with a storyboard, please let me know.


  • Lokapakti Electronica Outline.pdf
    228.8 KB · Views: 230
Hello and welcome to the forum! The screenplay loos good until now, however it is a bit hard for me to visualize the choreography of the dances without actually seeing them. I am looking forward to see the end result, an actual video with this , I believe it would be amazing!

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