How can a teenager get into the film industry?

Many filmmakers start discovering their passion for filmmaking when they are only 15 years old. However, it is extremely difficult to explore this passion when you are this young because you need to focus on school, doing your daily homework and going to classes. You also need a budget and unless your family is going to support you with this, you will probably not have professional gear.

Fortunately, today, teenagers have options to start their filmmaking careers. The new smartphone models come with a great camera. They can purchase a small tripod or gimbal and a small light. They can create a small portfolio. However, how do they get into the industry once they have a portfolio?
If you live in the right city, you can volunteer to help with film events. If you do not live in the right city, you can make short films and sign them up to festivals. You might also need to travel and move to another place
Many filmmakers start discovering their passion for filmmaking when they are only 15 years old. However, it is extremely difficult to explore this passion when you are this young because you need to focus on school, doing your daily homework and going to classes. You also need a budget and unless your family is going to support you with this, you will probably not have professional gear.

Fortunately, today, teenagers have options to start their filmmaking careers. The new smartphone models come with a great camera. They can purchase a small tripod or gimbal and a small light. They can create a small portfolio. However, how do they get into the industry once they have a portfolio?

Like many, I discovered serious film in early teens. There was some Japanese film on at 3am with a 5 star rating in the TV guide. Just out of curiosity I set the video recorder (shows you how long ago it was) and watched it next day. The film turned out to be Ran, directed by the great Akira Kurosawa. I don't make films, I write music for TV, games, film etc. But I have a few comments that apply.

No need to worry about gear and budget. The heart of a good film is the script, and all you need for that is a pen and paper (advice from Kurosawa). There are stories everywhere, right under your nose. Simply keep your eyes open for them and write them down. How to get into the industry? Just keep making material and trying your best. Keep seeking out people who make stuff you like and connect with them. Genuine curiosity and enthusiasm opens a lot of doors.
try and do some sort of work experience i would say or even a placement year at university, if you have any connections it might be a good idea getting in touch with people
I have also just remembered that I know someone who works for a film company in Manchester and she is doing an apprenticeship with the film production company. She helped to create the new Wait For Me film, which is coming out very soon and is super exciting so maybe you could work your way in like this?
Many filmmakers start discovering their passion for filmmaking when they are only 15 years old. However, it is extremely difficult to explore this passion when you are this young because you need to focus on school, doing your daily homework and going to classes. You also need a budget and unless your family is going to support you with this, you will probably not have professional gear.

Fortunately, today, teenagers have options to start their filmmaking careers. The new smartphone models come with a great camera. They can purchase a small tripod or gimbal and a small light. They can create a small portfolio. However, how do they get into the industry once they have a portfolio?
My advice is to start with as little as you can. You can write Scripts/Screen Plays in Google Docs (a free service) and use Grammarly for proofreading (Grammarly has a free option). You could even take this one step further and if you do not have access to a phone/computer you can alternatively even handwrite scripts. You DO NOT need professional gear to get started.

You are correct, fortunately, today with the average Smartphone filmmaking has never been easier. Now in terms of getting into the film industry (or any industry for that matter) once a solid portfolio is established, it can take some time. 90% of getting into the industry is dealing with rejection. Undoubtedly, you might find yourself applying and applying to no avail. It seems at times that connections matter more than a solid portfolio.

Ultimately while you are young dedicate as much of your free time as possible to working on your craft. The more you work on your craft and the more you publish your craft on a micro level, the stronger chance you have of meeting someone who could assist further. The important thing to note is: Things take time, embrace that.

Marina Bruno has just completed writing, directing, editing, shooting, and acting in her first feature. And she's only nineteen years old. Even if you are 15 years old, you still have four years to potentially become the next youngest filmmaker.
ok, it's easy for me to say as i worked in the film industry for 25 years mainly as a mechanical special effects technician but also in lighting and gripping but please ask your self this question, as as what do you want to work ? are you ok working as a cleaner in the film industry ?
what is your goal ? do you want to tell your own stories or do you want to direct some one else's ?
do you have an ego and you want fame? or are you hoping for big money ?
here are my reasons. i was always a (hard working) dreamer. in school already the whole class wanted to read my essays. stories normally pop into my head and i like telling them. writing them down is one way to bring them to life but film making is much better.
if you are driven by passion to tell your stories then you don't really need to work in the industry even though i admit it helps.
write a short story, buy a camera or use your smart fone and just start doing it. learn as you go. there are good tutorials on youtube and rumble. be as independent as possible. do as much as possible yourself. here is an example of a 1 man short with available props.
if you like i can post you some links how to build props.
good luck


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I have also just remembered that I know someone who works for a film company in Manchester and she is doing an apprenticeship with the film production company. She helped to create the new Wait For Me film, which is coming out very soon and is super exciting so maybe you could work your way in like this?
guys this is now available to watch on amazon and other platforms it would be great if people could support this film that I have been apart of !

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