What is a lux?


New member
I have heard the word, but have very little idea as to what it represents. I know it has to do with light level. Any help would be appreciated.
the lux (light in latin) is the standard international unity for lumination.

imagine a part of a ball, 1 m radial, 1 metersquare the surface. Imagine a candle in the center of this part ball. one lux is about the total quantity of light received by the 1 m2 surface, since the unity of light intensity , the candela (candel in latin) is about the one of a candle.

The lumination is to be reguarded as the quantity of light falling on one spot or surface, from one direction (it's vectorial).

It depends : on the intensity (punctual source) or luminance (extended source) of the source

on the distance of the considered spot or surface to the source (it actually decreases with the square of the distance).

on the relative angle beetween both surfaces (if so) of the source and receiver.

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