Volunteer Work


New member
Man I’m such a newbie that I haven’t even went to film school yet. :oops:
The few schools I have looked into have mentioned that they need a
Resume or volunteer experience.

My question is basically what steps did you take to get experience before school?

What’s the best way to attract a bunch of people interested in making low budget movies for experience? Are there websites or places in Canada anyone knows off?

Thanx to anyone who may have read this!
Well.. if you want experiance, I dont know where you live, but I went to College and did a bunch of Film/Video/Communications classes.... In Canada.. but in Quebec, we are forced to go to College, and then University.

But anyway, if you want people to make a low budget film, and you want to start now, you might as well get your closest friends interested in making one, and then everyone developed their skills from that.

Or else, look for workshops on filmmaking around your place... you'll have to pay, yes, but you'll get to learn how to do alot of stuff, and it will come in handy when you make your film. ALSO you build contacts with the other people that are at these workshops.

keep posting questions if you want to know more, but as for me, I'm off to Schooooool!

I'm a sound designer, formerly a touring musician and recording engineer. I got started in the film business doing the location sound for a community film group project. They shot a 10 minute short in two days. The idea was to show the average person what is involved in film making. The director is the dean of the film/theatre dept. at a local college. The crew was mostly film students and the talent all amatuers. The product was poor to fair at best as far as the acting and good to very good technically. I met some terrific people through the project, which was screened as part of a local film festival, including Sidney Lumet and a producer who throws work my way.

There are lots of indie and student projects being done out there. Sign on as a go'fer or PA. Be on time, be sharp, be organized, don't hit on the talent. Learn about all of the different disciplines - DP, PA, Sound, Costumes, Set Designer, Set Dresser, Gaffer, etc. About two years ago I did the sound design of a short for the experience and am currently working on a budgeted feature for the same director. People remember you if you're good, but more so if you're bad.

Get involved, live it, breathe it.
thax for answering my questions

thax for answering my questions

I'm really shocked anyone responded and also greatful.
All of your suggestionedwere really good and i'll keep
posted as to my outcome ! :)

By the way i'm from Ontario

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