TETRA VAAL, betta reconize...

I got your email, and I'll be sending some stuff your way very soon. I've been getting some things together for festival entries...it's stressful...There's so many fests, simply sorting through them all is a task in itself. So far, I've chosen AURORA PICTURE SHOW, RESFEST, NEXTFRAME, and AUSTIN FILM FEST, and I'm considering a few others dedicated exclusively to DV exhibition and student works. I'd also like to participate in a few over in Europe, just to see what the reaction would be.
After enduring the submission process, I don't really care if I win, I just want it to be shown.
Anyhow, expect to see something from me soon...
Danny G,
I believe the entire robot was CGI...whereas; the environment is DV footage.

I think it's awesome how you don't really need a good DV camera for this form of visual expression, hell, you could actually use stock footage. Now knowing what you can do with it when you have the right tools/software and great artists available, I expect to see this style becoming more acceptable. I've already seen some commercials that are similar to this one in approach, but I can't wait till I see something that innovates and expands off of the concepts.

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