Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Kim Welch

Senior Member
Staff member
I did not enjoy the Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith movie as much as I did the first or the second. I was let down. I just did not get the same feeling as I did with the first one or even the second one. The realism was not there for me. I did not get emotionally involved for reasons I have not put my finger on. It might not be the imagination was not there that was in the first Sar Wars movie but more that my expectations were higher. The story line was tied in with the first Start Wars movie well and that saved it for me intellectually but overall it was a let down for me.
Completly Agree

Completly Agree

"Revenge of the Sith" reeked like butt hair, and oozed bad directing like leporous puss.
Expected to Unfold.

Expected to Unfold.

What made the movie an enormous disaster was the overly puncturing amount of requirements that had to be filled in three hours.

While attempting to finally finish an epic like star wars there’s so much pressure to just fill in the blanks. Everything was expected to unfold and the result seemed like a rushed together conclusion, that forgot about all the lights and magic. Too bad and farewell!

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