Los Angeles, Looking For People To Make Movies With


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Hi, I have recently decided to start making movies in Los Angeles, where I live. My goal is this: I own the equipment, JVC dv500 camera, two lavaliers and a shotgun + boom by sennheiser, and some lights. I work in film visual effects and have used final cut pro since 2000. So, the means of production are in place. What I don't have is collaborators: actors; crew members; film junkies; locations; mentors, etc. I have some script ideas and a general type of movie that I'm interested in. That is, contemporary, minimal characters, set in Los Angeles, as real as the trip to the grocery store with your girlfriend last week. I'm not totally against other types of stories including genre, but dramas in the vein I described are what I'm most interested in. If there is anyone out there in this big invisible community who is also interested in making movies like this, please contact me at elcaliban@gmail.com. I'm looking to mainly aim for festival submissions for these movies. I intend to use SAG actors under their under-one-hour low budget contract. Please, if you'd like to know more, email me. This is not idle discussion. If you email me, and we're on the same page, I'll meet with you this week. My office is right in Hollywood. I'm in the preliminary stages of getting a team together. I really would like to have a group of people like a band without a contract who gets together, makes movies, maybe just five minutes each to start, and shows them. I see the community of musicians out there, rehearsing, writing, performing, and I don't know why I live in the filmmaking capital and I don't know any way to meet filmmakers.


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