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In Mexico the job offer is really low, also our films production is almost unexistant we make 3 movies per year. Our compines dont like to invest in promotional videos or comercials, becuase they are so expensive. THe TV networks are very tight and there aer only 3 tv networks. Do you have this kind of problems in US, UK, France, etc.?
In the US, we clearly make more than 3 movies a year, but we still experience similar problems on a much larger scale, because there can only be about 3 huge blockbuster movies a year. Most studios will only push a certain amount of movies per year, hoping to reach the widest audience, and almost completely eliminating any risk factor while pulling in as much money as possible. Obviously, LA and NY are the main inlet and outlet sources for this muck. Though, we also have some cities that are known for fostering the indie filmmaker, like Austin, Denver, Portland...
For television, the opportunity to find an audience outside of the three or four major networks is probably just as difficult here as it is there.
Well at least in the US and France you have an Industry of filmmaking, here we dont have that anymore, we used to but the industry collapsed.

Something very important I think in producing filmmakers are film schools, here we have two serious schools and 3 new ones that have 4 years and the first generations are getting out.

Other problem in Mexico is that we dont have an industry, the goverment dosent support the cinema like in France, I belive some of the tax in the box office goes to a goverment organization to produce more movies? something like that.

The films that we produced are made like indpendent film, we dont have a studios where pictures are made. The films are made with a bunch of peopel that put some money and have friends that can help in some way, and in general this pictures lack in screenwrting, directing, good actors and promotion.
I'm a little confused...

Isn't Alfonso Cuaron a product of the Mexican Film Industry?

it's entirely possible that there is a film industry still in Mexico... it's very likely that they put up the same wall of smoke & mirrors that Hollywood does.
But I'm no expert... especially because I'm in Washington State... quite possibly the least film-friendly state in the Union... until recently, I would have classified it as anti-film.

Any outlet for film... wether it's studio production or independent film production... is a good film outlet.
It's more about public support... and the more you can interest the public, the better the industry becomes, because people just want to help out.
in France, I belive some of the tax in the box office goes to a goverment organization to produce more movies? something like that.
yes, exactly. Another point is that tv gives money to cinemea too, as feature lengths are one of their major programs, that make the best results as well as tv films.
I also thought you had studios in mexico, as a good friend of mine worked there for 25 years as a sound engeeneer (sorry for the writing...) and told me so but may beit changed in the 2 or 3 past years ?
Thats true, Alfonso Cuaron, Gillermo Del Toro and cinematographer Emmanuel Lubeski are from México, they worked for some time doing comercials, when they got money enough to make their first film, they do it, and they do it so good that US industry spot them, and they go to the US and to some samaller movies, their work is good and finally they get to do a realtive big picture.

but lests take a moment and thinki, taking US, France and UK. wich you have a film industry who many directors, cinematographers you know or I know, there be a long list. And who may mexican director would you know or I know.

On the other hand, shure we have 1 big studio and the baja studios that are from Fox were titanic was filmed. but most of the time this studios are used to make movies for US and tv shows. Do you konw how many is the percentage of the boxoffice tax or the amount tv gives to cinema?

Yesterday I was reading the paper that in San Miguel de Allende, (a town 2 hours north of Mexico city ) is aproyect called Film Colony, this proyect involves the construction of one layer studio, with 4 stages, production office, a small villa, golf course and post production facilities.
In San Miguel many films have been made like: The mexican, Once a time in Mexico, The mask of zorro. I think this proyect will atract many investor form other countries and from mexico, and this will benefit our industy. Do you want to invest?
Did you know that in Mexico the Union (STPC) used to have villages for workers on vacation and film shooting? So, what they want to do in San Miguel is just an old story
Then I just saw "Cronicas", it 's a movie from Ecuador and was produced by Alfonson Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro y Berta Navarro, it's a good movie, more than that if you imagine making a long feature film in Ecuador, and I was so happy to see this guys from mexican schools helping around.
where did you work here in Mexico sybille h? And who did you saw the industry when you where here?

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