
Hello everyone,

I am a dreamer who started reading alot about screen writing. I have always dreamed of directing a movie.

I started working on this script that I thought was VERY origional. I was thinking about it 24/7. even when I'm a sleep. I have put so much effort in it. I have dreamt how it is going to look. I have imagined who would act in it. I even imagined the score music.

Not so long ago. Believe it or not!I was shocked to see that a film was already in production that is 90% similar to my script's idea! It is directed and acted by non-indie film makers. Even the music used in the Theatrical Trailer was what I had in mind. I was so depressed......and I have abandoned the project........

But I couldn't forget about it. So, I decided to ask guys like you...

If my idea is 10% different from the already produced film, is it going to be good? will people think I have stolen the idea? would I look lame?

Should I continue?

I have posted this on other forums .... But I still want to here from u guys
I would suggest that unless you have a totally unique twist to put on it, forget about it. But, one thing that you could do, let it sit for a couple of years. See how this film, that is so close to yours does. If it does well, pick it up again in a few years. By then, this studio film will, probably, have run its course (unless it's the next Star Wars, or something like that). If it does well, people might be interested in picking it up. If it does bad, you know you may have done yourself a favor. But, if you decide to pick it up again, be prepared to re-write it several more times, so that it is new compared to this one.
No, I think what you should do is write it. Vomit out on the page. Then, get ready for reading it over like 20,000 times. It´s not just ¨Hey, I have a good idea for a script!¨ It´s writing, revising, writing...etc. But you should write it out, totally. Go to and download some purchased scripts to get your sense of style.
not to be cliche, but it's just the beginning, kreedman. from now on, you will be part of what they call the writing race. it's now always going to be the race to get such and such idea first, the race to write it down, the race to get it out there, the race to make it a movie before anyone else does, goodness forbid all the blood, sweat, and tears you invested in not just one, anymore, but eight, nine, and ten scripts that you were working, working, working on, while another person might be done, done, and more done!... and the self control it takes to keep the lines out of your personal blog... soon you will have a deposit box and a will for all of your unfinished stories and final drafts... and all the copyright forms you filled out but never sent... Oh, just kidding. Hee, hee. :lol:

but if you have to, get all of that out of your system and get over it. (not necessarily you or me or anyone in particular. just wanted to say that.)

uhmm, to answer your question, "Is it the end?" I say, no, of course not.

another cliche is that there is no such thing as an original idea, no such thing as an idea that had never been thought, and no such thing as being the first to think it. i might have gotten something mixed up somewhere. :?

the same ideas, messages, and universal truths have been repeated over and over again in stories already. how to create new and exciting stories from the same ol' ideas, messages, two-to-five fold meanings, and universal truths... I don't know. It could start with your characters and the characters you create to help you show the kinds of stories you want to tell. you could tell something differently by changing or mixing and matching genre.

a simple example... if you have yet to see "House of Flying Daggers," STOP READING! Possible spoiler.

dumpty, dumpty. still waiting a bit for some people to stop their eyes from moving down.



i LOVED "House of Flying Daggers."

for me, the story was so exciting and colorful and dramatic and more...

but the skeleton of the story could easily be broken down to something that starts off as boy meets girl, boy loses girl, et cetera, et cetera. well, not that exactly, but i'm going to stop babbling now. and i don't really want to give anything away.

my two cents is keep on writing. and sometimes, or more than sometimes, writing anything, even if you think it will never be published or seen or you think it was said already, will help you get your creative juices going, and then a lot will just start pooring out of you. you'll be writing 20 different stories or scripts or articles or essays simultaneously. for starters.
Thank you all,

I promise I'll continue writing until I get it right! and maybe someday you will see it on the screen :)
I totally agree. Even books. You want to adapt a good book only to find it already optioned. So you do your own script. When you`re on page 90, it comes out with a totally different title. It`s called simultaneous development, or something like that. You want to be quick but careful. Get it out, but make sure it`s good.
Man, I know what your saying. I had an idea for a book/movie called "Tribe" which I thought was a really good, original idea. Well, turns out George A. Romero made a small move awhile ago called "The Crazies" which is strikinly similar to Tribe. So, instead of just scraping it, I'm adapting it.
I agree. Don't give up on any screenplay you have written. Ever. Unless you have pitched it to every studio possible and you have been laughed out of each one. Then, maybe you should think of moving on, but even then I would still keep it, just in case years down the road and you have tons of money, maybe you can produce it yourself if no one else will(yes I know this is VERY wishful thinking, but I like to stay very optimistic when it comes to my own screenwriting and I like to think that others should too).

As others have already said, it is very common to take something that already exist and to change a couple things and release it as something new. Voltaire's Candide is supposed to be the basis of the movie Forrest Gump and I have read Candide and seen Forrest Gump and besides them both being about one persons journey, I personally don't see how anyone could make that claim. Also, I heard that "Oh Brother, where art thou" was supposedly following based off The Illiad.

I hope you see the point I am trying to make, cuz if you dont, well than I suppose I just wasted both of our time.

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