How do Actors/Actresses get big?


New member
So to say? How does these young actors and actresses get their start's in Hollywood? I'm a newbie here and have just recently been bitten by the acting bug and would love to pursue an acting career, which im sure many here do as well. I thought I should post a "how to" go about trying to succeed in this business. Anyone have any thoughts and idea's they would care to share? Thanks in advance.
Serious about doing it, Dedication, Determination and workin

Serious about doing it, Dedication, Determination and workin

Serious about doing it, Dedication, Determination and working hard to get what you want can be big factors. They all go together to make up a good part of a success story. Some people say you have to have talent. I have seen some extreemly talented people sitting around smoking pot for most of their life. So, I dont' think talent is the most important thing anymore. i think determination is.

Thick skin and moral flexibility 8)
That pretty much sums up the survivalists in the business.
So many people get their start by "knowing someone", it's hard to determine if the definition of success in the entertainment business is defined by anything more than good looks, good connections, good communication skills, and an easily erasable and refillable memory for nailing one liners to get laughs, cries, and of course money.
Look, if you have patience and determination, you should be fine...Buuuut, if you have a connection you'll be even better 8)
Thanks for the tips again you all. I'll keep these in mind, in the meantime remember my
Hey im gonna try it, I think I can succeed if I give it 100%
My wife only has a short time left of college once she does, im headed west to pursue my new career.. See ya guys
Serious about doing it, Dedication, Determination and working hard to get what you want can be big factors.

Yeah, I'd agree. I've met very talented people who just couldn't manage to dedicate themselves to being successful or couldn't handle the hard work required. There's no guarantee that a serious attitude and dedication will make you a success, but it's far more likely than that some famous director will see you in Wal-Mart and ask you to star in their next movie.
Determination is the most important Ingredient

Determination is the most important Ingredient

Dedication and Determination are two different things. Trust me, be determined as all hell and stay at what you love. This applies to all your goals and aspirations. When you have done as much as you can and you completely collapse from exhaustion, get up and go five more steps.

Main Entry: de·ter·mi·na·tion
Pronunciation: di-"t&r-m&-'nA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 a : a judicial decision settling and ending a controversy b : the resolving of a question by argument or reasoning
2 archaic : TERMINATION
3 a : the act of deciding definitely and firmly; also : the result of such an act of decision b : the power or habit of deciding definitely and firmly
4 : a fixing or finding of the position, magnitude, value, or character of something: as a : the act, process, or result of an accurate measurement b : an identification of the taxonomic position of a plant or animal
5 a : the definition of a concept in logic by its essential constituents b : the addition of a differentia to a concept to limit its denotation
6 : direction or tendency to a certain end :
7 : the fixation of the destiny of undifferentiated embryonic tissue

Ditto on all the other posts. A complete and total seriousness to the craft is absolutely necessary. I wouldn't think about making it big. I'd think about making a living at it. The "bigness" will come if you are lucky enough to get in a film that becomes a hit. On the other hand...warning; name drop coming... I had a chance to talk with Jack Lemmon years ago when he was visiting a school I was attending. He told about a play he was in early in his career. The play was a big flop, closing after only a few nights. He thought his career was over. The morning after his last night, he opened the door to his hotel to find 3 scripts waiting for him. Eventhough the play was bad, he was great, and producers noticed that.

i really love to act. now i joined a workshop. i hope i will learn a lot here... and hope in the future i would be an actress
Good luck! As mentioned above, probably the main thing is to get into some movies and get seen: even if you're the only good actor in a bad movie, people will notice if they see it. On the other hand, if it's so bad that no-one will see it, that may be time to find something more useful to do :).

Also, at least over here, people working on low-budget movies tend to pick actors they've worked with who they know are competent over actors who just send them a resume and showreel, so once you get into a couple of movies you're likely to find yourself working on more. I don't know if the same applies higher up the scale, but suspect it does.

Oh, one other thing: I was talking to a TV/movie director about showreels some time back and he commented that it's better for an actor to decide what kind of roles they're best at and concentrate on doing those well than to jump from one kind to another. If he's looking for a romantic lead, for example, he wants to see showreels showing people playing romantic lead-type characters and not jumping from action hero to villain to comedy to horror slasher to... whatever. There's too much money invested in the average movie or TV show to take big risks on someone like that, unless they're already an established actor.

If you look at most big movie actors they've tended to play similar kinds of roles in movies until they were well-established enough to convince people to let them do something different. It might be boring to do the same kind of thing for years, but if you get really good at playing an action hero (or whatever) then you're far more likely to get chosen for the next action movie than someone who's played all kinds of other roles.

Lastly, at the end of the day, the way you look is going to determine a lot of the roles you're offered. If you've won 'Mr Universe' you might easily get action hero (or, at least, villain) roles, whereas if you're a 120 lb teenager who's rarely come out of his parents' basement you probably won't :). It's better to concentrate on parts you look right for, because that's what you're most likely to get offered.

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