Hello, new here.


New member
Hey everyone, my name is Adrian and I'm pretty new to the filmmaking scene but I know what I'm usually doing. I took a Film Studies class in High School last year and learned alot about the history of film and everything. We made a cheesy little movie that really had no script but we were the only group to completly finish a short film. I'm on the verge of getting my own camcorder, a lil Sony Mini DV for about $400 to start me off. I think I have what it takes to make some good movies/shorts. I already have some stuff planned since the beginning of the year. I found this site and it looks like an awesome place with plenty of knowledgable people. I have my own company Infectious Studios. I have some projects in the works, writing the scripts and thinking up ideas. I really want to do something in the film industry when I get out of Highschool.
Here are some of my upcoming projects -
The Air Horn Effect - Documentary
Dig - Saw spoof - - - Trailer -http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=Dig-Redux-Trailer
Metal Gear Solid mini series - Action
Good luck

Good luck

Hey Adrian, just wanted to say hello.
I´m also very new on this site.
So from one new guy to another I want 2 wish you good luck.
I´m in Sweden but I spent a year at high school in Shreveport LA. When I was 18-19. I also took a kind of media class, so I know where you are at right now.
I hope you post your films somewhere online so we can all see them.

Good luck once more.
It woulden´t start. It might be since I´m on a mac.
I acctuly already have a pretty good job. I work at a very small production house here in Sweden. Vist us at www.mardmedialab.com if you like. The whole site is in Swedish so it wont make any sence to you, but there we are. I wish I could do more film, but I have no time for it right now, so I can´t post anything. I only have the old stuff from my school days.
Welcome to both of you. I hope you find this site worthwhile. I know I have. I've been able to meet some amazing people through this site, and i've learned so much, and I've been in the video/movie/tv biz for over 7 years!

Kim Welch, the guy who runs this place, has also allowed me to pimp out my podcast, The Martini Shot, which is a kind of internet audio show that you can subscribe to for free and have it download automatically to your computer. http://themartinishot.filmosity.com has more information on the show and some links to getting started with podcast listening.

Go through the forums, especially the ones for Andrew Laszlo, ASC, Roy Wagner, ASC, and David Mullen, ASC. They are some great cinematographers, and I know Roy and Andrew are great people in person. They all have amazing experience and knowlege the offer for free right here.

You've found a great place.
Thanks for the welcome.
I have known about this site for a few years, but never really got into it. But it seams like a good place for young people like me to hang out. I´m also a member on a few other forums, and I enjoy the fact the I can hang out with people like me, and talk about stuff most people don´t care about.
Ahh... The greatness of the internet really shows here.

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