Experiences with the MPAA


New member
Hey Filmmakers,

I am a Film Student from Germany and I am currently researching the MPAA for my Bachelors Thesis.
If any of you have interacted with them in the past I'd love to Interview you about it!
The point of my research is to find out how they work with independant Filmmakers like us, especially when it comes to rating a Film.

Thanks a lot :)

EDIT: I have also created a very short questionnaire as part of my research. I would be very grateful for your participation :)

Perception of the Motion Picture Association of America
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Hello. It is tempting for independent filmmakers to think that the industry they are coming into is one big happy family. The truth is that it is a very competitive and tough industry which has been and continues to be controlled by a very small and jealous cabal. The MPAA is a trade organization which represents ONLY the five major Hollywood studios and Netflix (who is a junior member barely tolerated by the others). Period. They do not represent or deal with independent industry, nor do they care to do so. They are concerned strictly with focusing their combined power to advocate for beneficial legal treatment for their limited membership, which helps to maintain their industry hegemony, as well as making things difficult for lower tiers of producers and filmmakers when they come close to competition. Their captive organization The Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment is an expanded mouthpiece organization which attempts to coalesce the major studios presence globally as the film environment moves more and more into digital space. Again, really they do nothing and couldn't care less about independent filmmakers, as they are concerned with concentrating industry power.

As far as rating a film - the procedure is on their website and quite simple You pay your money (several thousand dollars), fill out some paperwork, submit your film and get your rating. Or make required changes and resubmit to get the rating you want, if they give it a different one. Indie films are treated no differently than with anyone else. There are no discounts for independent films as its intention is to maintain control of standards, not to foster creativity.

If you want to network with professional independent filmmakers, and want to learn more about how the industry challenges for independent filmmakers are different than for "mainstream" - I recommend you join the ongoing open forums at On Demand Global Forum One
I was about to say what Maura above already did, Roy H. Wagner and M. David Mullen are both ASC members and are members of this forum. It would be a good idea to ask them :D

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