Computer question...



Im looking into buying/building a new computer for editing/capturing video, and I was curious as to what I should be looking for in a PC.

I ASSUME that I would be looking for a large HD, at least a gig of ram, a fast processor (greater than or equal to 2.8 GHz) and a hefty video card.

Is that pretty much all I need (other than the software)? What are some of the specifics I should be looking for. I need a new computer 'cause my craptop is no where near capable of doing this sort of work.

thanks for your time.
I would invest in external HDs especially if you are going to be transferring footage or plan to record straight to disk (in which case a laptop would be helpful as well). It all depends on what you plan to do.
The simple answer is: it depends. I've edited a DV feature on a PIII-350 with 256MB of RAM and a 40GB hard drive, but for editing HD, even my P4-3.06GHz system with 1GB of RAM can't handle realtime effects, and it eats up something like a gigabyte of disk space per minute.

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