Camera for animator / experienced photographer?


New member
Ive got about 2000 - 2500 dollar to invest. Photography is basicly a second nature.
Natural and staged light, exposure control, composition, whitebalance etc
are known area`s.

I`d love to shoot scenes that catch my eye:
Pan along a wet street in gold sunlight with yellow autumn leaves spread around. Scenes of natural beauty that need exploration.
Record performances in acting class. Moving people, objects, plays etc.
Shoot events in low light, like bars, theatres, shady poker rooms etc.
From time to time shoot small productions, stuff that take much more time to explore in animation.

im looking for a camera that can handle the following.
Decent to Excellent low light performance.
Excellent registration of moving objects, Actors, Bouncing balls, flags in harsh wind, windsurfers.
shoot close to 30mm wide (35mm slr equivalent)

Some contenders

Panasonic DVC30
Solid Low light performance
excellent low light performance in nightmode
might be wider, how wide can it get?
Smaller then the sony.
Comfertably priced.

Sony VX2100
Excellent low light performance
Excellent long range lense
Not very wide
Rather large

Well, im practicly deciding this myselve by now. Have been reading and reading. The DVC30 small size and optional XLR ports are a big big bonus. the consumer nightmode compensates a bit for its inferior lowlight performance to the vx2100. now if i could get hold of some footage to judge the quality difference by myselve...

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