Apartment 201


Apartment 201

Hey, my name is Jason and my friends and I have just recently released our first two webisodes of our college lives. Putting it on YouTube is all fine and dandy for just about anything other than getting good criticism. Pretty much all we've gotten comment-wise is spam. So, I figured I'd post it somewhere a little more civilized and hope for some relevant comments.

Here are the links to the first two episodes (or you can download them from www.Apartment201.com if you prefer...):

Episode One: Death Race 2000 (+6)

Episode Two: PitA

Thanks for watching and letting us know what can be done better (Yeah, and I know it'll be tempting to say 'Everything', but come on, it's taped with a camera my grandma gave me!)

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you!

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