jvc cameras

  1. jodymichelle

    JVC's CONNECTED CAM handheld cameras and GY-HC500 series

    This video, shot entirely with JVC's CONNECTED CAM handheld cameras, provides an overview of JVC's GY-HC500 series, http://pro.jvc.com/…/attri…/ip/clips/500_series_overview.jsp
  2. jodymichelle

    JVC GY-HM650 ProHD mobile news cameras - newsbyte

    JVC GY-HM650 ProHD mobile news cameras - newsbyte Attleboro Access Cable System, Inc. is using four GY-HM650 ProHD mobile news cameras to provide live news reports from the field. Read the newsbyte here...
  3. jodymichelle

    Camera News and Recaps: HPX250, D600, 6D, F65, and GY-HM650 updates

    <p>Camera News and Recaps </p> <p><strong>"Ballplayer: Pelotero" Documentary - Scenes Shot on the Panasonic HPX250</strong><br /> <em>The team needed an additional camera for the sequel, and decided to amplify their handheld shooting with the HPX250...</em> <br /> <a...
  4. jodymichelle

    JVC GC-PX10: New Video/Still Hybrid Camera

    <a href="http://www.jvc.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.studentfilmmakersforums.com/JVC-GC-PX10_StudentFilmmakers-Magazine.jpg" alt="New JVC Video/Still Hybrid Camera Offers Pro-Level Performance and Features" width="300" height="235" border="0" /></a><br><br>JVC's new digital camera...