dslr courses

  1. jodymichelle

    Register Now for 2 Day HDSLR Workshop - Manhattan, New York City

    <strong>Geared for all levels, bringing together professionals, independents, students, professors, educators, and working artists.</strong><br> <br> The 2 Day HDSLR Workshop is geared for all levels of filmmakers, videographers, and digital media artists, as well as still photographers and...
  2. jodymichelle

    EVENT REMINDER: First 20 to Pre-Register Online Get FREE Gorilla PRO - Sign up now!

    5 more available! Sign up now, and get a FREE Gorilla PRO film production software. Register online today for this Saturday's HDSLR Filmmaking Workshop. Details, schedule, and online signup at: http://www.studentfilmmakersforums.com/enews/HDSLR-filmmaking_July-16-Event.html -
  3. jodymichelle

    Hands-On HDSLR Filmmaking Workshop: Shoot with Canon 5Ds and 7Ds

    7 days left to register online! Check out the program details, equipment that attendees will be shooting with, and free raffle door prizes: http://www.studentfilmmakersforums.com/workshops/Sept2010-HDSLR-Filmmaking.html -