Search results

  1. Olivia Perez

    Photoshop vs Lightroom

    Hello lovely community of photographers! There are so many mixed reviews and feelings regarding the photographer's choice to edit photos. Some photographers use only Lightroom, some use only Photoshop and some use both. What's the best one in your opinion? I'm a Lightroom user here, it helps me...
  2. Olivia Perez

    What are the best Macro Lens?

    Hello lovely community of photographers! I am fascinated about Macro Photography and I would love to take close-up shots of bees and butterflies while they are doing their flower-jobs! What lens would you recommend me? Or, better said, what lens are the best to do the job in your opinion?
  3. Olivia Perez

    What is your opinion about RGB Lightning?

    Hello Filmmakers! In the past months, I have seen many articles and videos regarding RGB Lightning. It seems that it has become quite popular to make atmosphere or a setup of your home using these tools. I have seen many influencers have a background with a lot of RGB Lightning and I was curious...