Search results

  1. G

    "Running Man" music video shot on DSLR - Cameras/Camerawork

    Great job! Music videos shot in abandoned factories usually get me tired, but with the stop motion and multiple camera "tricks" you managed to obtain something original. I share your taste for fixed focals, also when taking photographs. Thanks for the useful insights on your work, it must have...
  2. G

    RetroBouchon - Horror Short Film

    Congratulation on the photography! I love the way the talents' faces are illuminated.
  3. G

    AfterFX 2.5D music video (VFX+particles+lights)

    I hope you enjoy the animated videoclip I made for the gothic metal band Eva Can't: I've mixed recorded footage with animated photography, relighting, particles in After Effects. The concept album inspires stories of creation and destruction, life and death, light and darkness... so I tried...