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    Exposure Issues

    Hello, I have been going through the forum and found a lot of advice dealing with night exposures and making moonlight look right. I am shooting my first scene on film that is motivated solely by moonlight and am a little worried about making it come out right. If I am coming from the side...
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    Lighting Situation

    What do you do in instances when a subject is moving closer to a light source? A example I have is if someone walks into a room and at one point in the shot moves right up to the window. Everything will be fine but as the actor moves to the window he or she will start to get brighter in terms of...
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    What is a good level of diffusion to use with a 4x4 kino without taking away a lot of transmission of the source? I am using them for the first time and wondering the best way of handling them. It seems a lot of people prefer to diffuse them a bit (a lot feel like it has to much of a...
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    Reversal Vs Negative and Grain in 500

    I checked out my footage. I found no problems. I actually had some scenes where I bracketed just to see the difference. At least to me I like the bg to be almost normal instead of a bit blown out. One stop under seemed pretty much the same to me and I think a regular audience wouldn't notice the...
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    Reversal Vs Negative and Grain in 500

    Thanks for the help. I shot this weekend and will be bringing it to the lab on Monday. For a lot of my EXT. wide shots I had a ND 6 in with a 3 stop difference between my background and foreground. I underexposed the shadow side by 2 and let the bg go 1 over. Hopefully this will work out ok...
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    Reversal Vs Negative and Grain in 500

    Thanks. As for the background I mean more of a wide shot exterior on a sunny day. I just don't want to find myself with a overexposed background. I researched the forum and found your advice on underexposing a little. If I'm underexposed one in half stops and my background is one in a half stops...
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    Reversal Vs Negative and Grain in 500

    How much leeway do I have with negative film, specifically in the highlights? During my first semester at school, one of my class projects was a 3-5 minute short on black and white reversal shot with a Bolex. When I got my film back from the lab I had a lot of shots that were ruined because...