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  1. Ghattprod

    Bone cave Video Podcast Episode 3

    Hello everyone, Here is the third episode in my series of Behind the scenes Podcasts dealing with Ghatt Productions upcoming Horror film "Bone Cave". This episode shows some additional behind the scenes footage of how the cave set was created.
  2. Ghattprod

    Bone Cave Production Slide Show

    Hey everyone, Here is a Slide Show from Ghatt Productions upcoming Horror/Comedy "Bone Cave" You can view the show at
  3. Ghattprod

    Ghatt Productions Introduction

    Its my favorite type of film.
  4. Ghattprod

    Ghatt Productions Introduction

    Hello everyone, My name is Matt and I represent a guerilla style production company located out of Ohio. As a company we are working on our second feature film. This time out our feature will be a horror film shooting in 10 days and is budgeted at just $3000. Our film revolves around a group...