Recent content by rockingit

  1. rockingit

    NEW SFX PACKS - Very affordable

    SEVEN NEW SOUND EFFECTS PACKS has gone through some upgrades in the last few days. This includes adding seven new sound effects packs ( as listed* below) along with 24 new royalty-free music tracks. Other improvements include adding meta data to the sfx wav files, and making...
  2. rockingit

    Free Sound Effects Pack

    Rocksuresoundz have added a pack of 51 free sound effects to the website. They can be used legally in commercial or non-commercial projects. The free sfx are available in mp3 format only, and cover a range of generally useful sounds. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage, and you will find...
  3. rockingit

    Sound Library - New Sound Effects Packs

    Rocksuresoundz currently has 28 high quality affordable sound effects packs available. Each pack contains between 80-200 sfx, and costs $6-95 This includes 4 brand new Sound effects packs. The new packs are as follows: #17,)Dragons Dinosaurs Monsters Creatures #18.) Scary Frights Creaks...