Recent content by Nave

  1. N

    Horror Short Proposal Finally Done

    I have been working for the past few months to get the project I am working on as far as I could get. I am now at the point to where I need to start looking for funding, I have a proposal finished but don't really know where to start with it. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated...
  2. N

    Zipper Mouth

    was wondering how I would go about making one of the characters have their lips zipped up, kinda like in beetlejuice. Also what would be a good way to go about having a "undead" cat in the film, having the cat look like its rotting, a green suit on a live cat?
  3. N

    Camera suggestions?

    Im needing a camera for a feature film I will be shooting in July. My current projects are personally funded so I dont have a fortune to spend. I want to try and spend a max of $1500 but if I really need to I could go up to $2000. Any suggestions? Some to where transfering to my computer will...