Recent content by mirv

  1. M

    Filmmaking Stories

    Well this past weekend was out first shot at short. We had the location nailed down, script written, actors cast, craft services at the ready, and director was pumped. About midnight before the first day of shooting, the writers wife calls and states that we can use here building instead of...
  2. M

    48 Hour Films

    Hello, I am from Atlanta, GA, and my crew and I just participated in this event this past weekend. I was wondering if anyone else has been in this project? If so, how was your experience? what worked for you? what didn't? What was your genere? Can we see the finished product? Austin
  3. M

    movie company

    Incorporating is an option, but what Mark G says is correct. You don't have to become a Inc. company, as here in the states you can do a LLC, or limited liability company which is cheaper. You get all the benefits of a regular Inc. company, and half the paper work and hassles. I believe it...
  4. M

    A hello

    William, What did you have in mind? What genere is it? Are you looking to get it put to film and making a feature length film out of it? Are their other formats you would like to see your book in? Tell us a little bit more about your vision! :)
  5. M

    Help me Help you

    Where are you located at and what all have you done? My group and I did out first film for the, and had a blast. We are in the Atlanta area if you wanna look up Pop Culture Architects. Later, Austin