Recent content by Capri_IFF

  1. Capri_IFF

    Capri Movie International Film Festival

    Greetings! if you miss any content of the Capri Movie International Film Festival, you can follow and watch all of our back stage videos and streamings in our Youtube Channel, Facebook and Instagram page down below. Hope to see you guys in the next edition! Capri Movie Youtube Channel Capri...
  2. Capri_IFF

    Capri Movie International Film Festival Homage To Hedy Lamarr

    Welcome to the Capri Movie International Film Festival, By clicking the following link you will access to the live-streaming of the first event of the festival, The homage to Hedy Lamar Click here to watch the streaming Enjoy!
  3. Capri_IFF

    Capri International Film Festival

    of course you can, we're accepting submission for people around the world!
  4. Capri_IFF

    Capri International Film Festival

    for all those ones who wants to watch the festival, this year will make the festival reachable through streaming on our Youtube Channel, so anybody can watch it even at home.
  5. Capri_IFF

    Capri International Film Festival

    Greetings! of course you can participate! you can send your work through our website.
  6. Capri_IFF

    Capri International Film Festival

    Greetings! we would like to inform you that registrations are open for the third edition of the Capri Movie International Film Festival, the only short film festival on the Island of Capri, to be held in Capri from 12 to 16 October 2022. You will find the announcement on the platform...