Recent content by FredGinsburg

  1. FredGinsburg

    Be careful when responding to a "casting call".

    As a student or low budget, independent filmmaker -- finding actors and casting your project is always a difficult hurdle. But as TALENT, as eager as you are to help out a fellow filmmaker (and to build your own reel), you must practice common sense caution these days. 1) Is the project...
  2. FredGinsburg


    This sounds like a less than legitimate posting. A quick search on the internet showed that it was being deemed a scam from several watch sites. The post itself has a lot of red flags: the money being offered is "too good to be true", obviously not from a student or indy production. But then...
  3. FredGinsburg

    Video tutorials for Production Sound This is the link to a series of 13 short videos that I wrote and consulted on, 6 years ago, for Audio Technica. Lots of great information about using lavs and boom mics.
  4. FredGinsburg

    How do I sell my script to Hollywood?

    You need an agent. Unsolicited scripts are NOT READ, NOT OPENED, RETURNED TO SENDER. Thank the lawyers! Now to get an agent, you need to be published, with a byline. Print is preferable, but online for a bona fide, major website is often acceptable as well. So, if you want to be a professional...
  5. FredGinsburg

    "Big" Film Schools v Small Film Schools

    One of the most common questions that I get from students asking advice about choosing a film school is whether or not it is better to attend one of the larger (and more famous) universities versus some of the "smaller" (and lesser ranked) state schools. Each have their pro's and con's. The...
  6. FredGinsburg

    Looking for prop guns that are in or can ship to Canada.

    You are making a film, not having a firefight with bad guys. It is FICTION. It is CINEMA. Is the make, model, chrome appearance so critical? There is no need for a hard to find, rare appearing prop that emulates real firing. Just use an air soft, or a rubber molding. Gunshot muzzle blasts are...
  7. FredGinsburg

    I want to start a master's degree as a film and television professional.

    I think it depends on what your goal is, in terms of WHY you want a Masters Degree. If you already have a BA in filmmaking, then you probably won't benefit that much from another degree. If your undergrad degree is in something else, and you want to add filmmaking to your education -- then I...
  8. FredGinsburg

    Crafting a Career in Screenwriting: Tips and Insights for Aspiring Writers

    Unless you KNOW someone, it is difficult to submit a script in Hollywood. This is due to the fear of a producer being sued after a film comes out by someone claiming that their idea was ripped off. So the best way to get your script read is for it to be submitted by an agent. To get an agent, it...
  9. FredGinsburg

    Crafting a Career in Screenwriting: Tips and Insights for Aspiring Writers

    I believe that it is important to denote between story telling and screenwriting. To tell and create a good story, it is important to truly understand the topic, or to write from life experience. Writing about something that you barely understand always results in mediocrity. Learn what makes...
  10. FredGinsburg

    4 Strategies to Increase Engagement at Trade Shows

    Business Cards: Avoid small fonts that are hard to read. Avoid dark backgrounds that you cannot write notes on. Include a small photo so people can associate your face to the name. Keep the back side blank to accommodate notes. Create a Signature Look: When networking a busy venue such as a...
  11. FredGinsburg

    6 Quick Tips for Making a Successful Short Film

    I might also add that it is important to view it from your audience's frame of reference. Do not use implied symbolism that you did not establish, example: white colors represent death, or a certain flower represents life. Also, you need to firmly hook your viewers' attention early on. Do not...
  12. FredGinsburg

    The Benefits and Challenges of Crowdfunding for Student Filmmakers

    The biggest issue that I have encountered with my students trying to raise money for their films is failing to answer the universal question: What's in it for me? (the investor). Sure, we know what's in it for the student (the money to make a film showcasing their abilities), but what benefit...
  13. FredGinsburg

    What do you need to study to be a filmmaker?

    Do not limit your education just to film tech! Think about what you will be doing after you graduate... and what skills you should have in addition to film/video technology. Accounting is very important, if you are going to run your own company. Psychology, sociology, anthropology, criminology...
  14. FredGinsburg

    Do filmmakers need math?

    You should be comfortable with basic math and algebra, because you need to work with financial numbers all of the time. Filmmaking is a business, not just an art. Also, dealing with frame rates, memory, optics, and so on -- all require being able to do snap calculations in your head, or at the...
  15. FredGinsburg

    What is the difference between cinematography and videography?

    These days, the difference is not much. Cinematography is shooting moving images, on film. Videography is shooting moving images, in digital recording. In the old days, the contrast ratios, image resolution, frame rates, scan rates (video) all contributed to different variables that the...